Cannes Lions

Porcelain Bones

LES GAULOIS, Paris / AMGEN / 2017


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
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Case Film






A collection of four porcelain plates were created with a porosity 40% higher than normal, making it as fragile as a bone affected by osteoporosis.These plates break upon the slightest contact, and represent the bones most affected by fractures. They were sent to the influencers accompanied with the following message : “Untreated, osteoporosis makes the bones as fragile as this porcelain”.


Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease, lowering bone mass and considerably reducing its resistance.

This disease affects 1 in 3 women over the age of 50.

To raise awareness among women and encourage them to get tested, we have created a porcelain that’s more fragile than average.

A porcelain that’s 40% more porous than normal… making it as fragile a bone affected by the disease.


2,4 million people were exposed to the impact on media (TV, press, blogs)

and social-media (Twitter, Facebook). The screenings inquieries increased by 18%.

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