Cannes Lions

Get Almost Almost Anything

SPECIAL, Sydney / UBER EATS / 2023


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Digital Proof JPG
Supporting Content






For years, Uber Eats was famous for delivering food. But nowadays, Uber Eats can deliver anything you want. Well, okay maybe not anything, but pretty close.

To make sure Australians were clear about what they could get on Uber Eats, the brand ran outdoor ads with very long, very unusual disclaimers that attempted to list all the things they couldn’t get.


In this ad, Uber Eats’ self-deprecating campaign line is followed by an absurdly long disclaimer that attempts to list all of the things that Uber Eats can’t actually deliver.

When the audience reads the ridiculously long list, it ebbs and flows between seemingly random items but patterns and recurring themes emerge, as well as cultural and hyper local references.

The antidote to ad-y overclaims:

It’s unusual for brands in Australia to point out their shortcomings.

In fact, they tend to do the exact opposite and make huge overclaims.

So, a big mainstream brand pointing out its shortcomings in incredibly specific long form copy was very out of the ordinary.

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