Cannes Lions

Get Fed Up!


Case Film
Supporting Images
Supporting Content






Brand Values:

As a global leader addressing childhood hunger, Save the Children believes all children deserve a healthy and nourished life. From war zones to food deserts, they’re often the only help available, working with local partners to understand community need and deliver effective, measurable solutions for sustainable impact.


We’re experiencing the worst famine of our lifetimes. COVID-19, conflict, climate change, and inflation have exacerbated this crisis.

Acute hunger is a reality for millions of children. In the U.S., COVID-19 set children’s food security back by 15 years.

Famine is an invisible issue and severe malnutrition creates a lifetime of consequences for children. With the right resources, we can change children’s trajectories — even end the hunger crisis.


1. Spread awareness of the global hunger crisis, drive relevance and curb complacency.

2. Create urgency in the need for famine relief, inspiring people to donate to Save the Children.


“Get Fed Up" is a year-end hunger campaign designed as a call-to-arms that looks, and feels, different.

Leveraging research and insight for emotional, gut-wrenching truths, we aimed to jolt people into paying attention. To shake them out of complacency and get them to act. To show that hunger is right here at home, not just someplace far away.

In doing so, we aimed to disrupt category conventions of non-profit advertising that all-too-often let our pleas for help go unnoticed and unanswered.

This campaign gives Save the Children the rallying cry, galvanizing tone, and grassroots attitude to inspire participation, attract new donors, and stand out during their most important fundraising season with a campaign platform that Save The Children can own for years to come.



Industry data illustrated the life-long consequences of children’s food insecurity, from the likelihood to develop depression, PTSD, and anxiety, to developmental and learning delays.

Target Audience:

Client and category data centered on “Olivia” as our key target. A Millennial, American parent caring deeply about children’s issues and drawn to mission-driven brands.


Cultural research powered emotional storytelling designed to change perceptions and inspire donations. Learnings showcased how parents today simply want kids to be kids. To enjoy the fleeting privilege of childhood.

Many parents feel childhood is under attack from COVID-19, gun violence, climate change, etc., but they don’t always see hunger as one of the most immediate and wide-reaching threats to childhood.

Kids can’t be kids when they’re hungry. They can’t grow, play, learn, dream or just be a kid when they’re hungry. 

We aimed to communicate the injustice of hunger robbing children of their childhood.


"Get Fed Up!" is an ownable, contagious movement galvanizing a national audience around the importance of hunger relief. Built using distinct campaign assets for an audience that seeks experiences while interacting in a digital-first environment, we leveraged poignant stories and striking statistical devices to illustrate how hunger robs children of childhood.

Energizing the “Get Fed Up!” campaign, Save the Children built a custom food truck to give people a taste of reality that 1 in 5 kids worldwide struggle with hunger. Traveling from Austin, Texas, at one of the city's biggest farmers markets, to the high-traffic streets of New York City, visitors could experience the campaign, browse a menu of crucial food interventions, donate and share on the spot.

Our national DRTV, CTV, Paid Social, and Programmatic content ran through the holiday giving season (December 31st, 2022), increasing issue awareness, changing perceptions, inspiring donations, and getting people Fed Up!


The “Get Fed Up!” multi-channel, immersive campaign achieved short-term impact and long-term brand and situational awareness in galvanizing a complacent audience to act and fight hunger for children around the world.

Garnering 38M+ in social media impressions, 222K unique visitors were driven to the campaign landing page and 326K visitors to the donation page, resulting in 40% more gifts year over year, and a 74%+ lift in one-time gifts year over year, through paid digital channels. Nine additional corporate partners activated against Get Fed Up!, further driving brand visibility, problem awareness, and commercial impact in the fight to end hunger.

Audience perceptions of hunger relevance grew, while preserving the dignity of children experiencing famine. This campaign inspired action and gave donors a way to spread the word in their communities, and will repeat in future years to further establish Save the Children as a leader in famine relief for children.

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