Cannes Lions



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We were challenged with the task of raising awareness of a new, all-natural, focus-enhancing supplement, Focusyl, on no paid media budget, and an extremely tight timeline. The product existed on the market for about a year, but with no media or advertising push, sales were sparse at best. Psynex Pharmaceuticals needed a huge boost in those figures to continue production of Focusyl.

Our solution to their problem was to send free sample packs of Focusyl to high-profile people who were generating news as a result of their clear lack of focus on the things they should have been focused on. We then shared this activity with the media, so they could push the story for us without any paid media, using PR instead to activate awareness


Our first step was determining who to send Focusyl to. So, we researched newspapers, celebrity blogs, magazines and Entertainment-centric television programs to determine who the biggest news makers were. Our second step was to figure out where these individuals could be reached. Once the list of opportunities was made, we couriered complimentary boxes of Focusyl with personalized letters to these celebrities. We then informed the media of our activity via press releases and press conferences. As we hoped, the media took it upon itself to push the story out to the world.

Our campaign efforts made news across the globe via newswires, PR sites, entertainment rags, blogs, university message boards, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. We even received a kind letter from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, thanking us for our generous gift and acknowledging that he could probably benefit from Focusyl’s focus-enhancing effects.


Exposure rates through Twitter, Facebook, chat rooms, university message boards, blogs, and various news sources delivered enough exposure to triple sales over the duration of the campaign's run. All without the use of any paid media.

Product Sales:

• Because Focusyl was only for sale on we were able to track a threefold increase in sales in just a few short weeks.

Media Coverage:

• Focusyl became news on most entertainment online sites including OMB, TMZ and Huffington Post. The campaign also exploded in the entertainment and student blogging world generating a total gross media impression value of over $8 million dollars in very targeted online impressions.

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