Cannes Lions



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Without any money, an NGO like League Against Cancer had to figure out new ways to reach people in the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We took into account that brands invest a lot of money on OOH and Print advertising and they have the power to reach broader audiences. But convincing them to stop their brand communication to instead communicate something about Breast Cancer was almost impossible. We needed to reach a common ground, that is how we created the Get Pink Gesture: a way for brands to still do their everyday advertising but also doing something good for the public and raise awareness for breast cancer prevention. All they had to do was for their models to pose doing a breast self-exam. Doing things this way we achieved to partner with 19 brands and get US$ 17 million in free press without spending one dollar.


We partnered with Peru's leading brands and convinced them to use their paid media to spread our campaign by creating a small gesture, a breast self-exam, that could be used by their models in all their OOH ads without affecting their original brand communication. We develop a new way for brands to support causes like this one with out having to donate "real money", just donating a small gesture.

First we convinced our agency's clients and after that new brands wanted to be included in the campaign since it contributed with good will for their brands. The campaign was launched in the first week of October with 5 brands and at the end of the month we had more than 19 brands supporting the campaign. And without doing much efforts, TV and sports celebrities (including the national soccer team) joined the campaign.


We spent US$0.00 and thanks to 19 brands we had more than US$17 million in free press, over 300 mentions on media, + 250% engagement in social media, more than 4 million people impacted in OOH and malls, tv and sports celebrities joined the cause and without this being a fundraising campaign, we raised more than US$200,000. But most importantly, we had 80% more doctor appointments than last year.

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