Cannes Lions

Ghost Campaign

DAVID, Madrid / BURGER KING / 2024


2 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
1 of 0 items






Halloween is a unique opportunity for Burger King to connect with consumers who love playful experiences, all while strengthening brand loyalty.

The occasion is a big deal for the brand, which is why they roll out Halloween campaigns every year.

This time around, they wanted to launch a campaign to amp up brand excitement and boost sales during Halloween. But there was a challenge: $0 production budget.


Last Halloween, we did something never seen before: an invisible campaign - just like ghosts.

How? We encouraged people to take photos of empty places as if Burger King ads were there and share them on X (Twitter) tagging Burger King with #ISeeBurger (#EnOcasionesVeoBurger)

Then, our "psychic" joined the fun, revealing which free product was in each invisible ad, from Whoppers to Long Chickens to Big Kings.

Despite there being nothing to see, people embraced the challenge, of "seeing" our ads everywhere: in buildings, TVs, football stadiums, churches, boats, videogames, you name it.


Due to the non-existent budget both in terms of production and media, the strategy was to create a clever and irreverent campaign that could make up for this.

To do this we used humor as the core of the idea, taking it to the limit. So much so that we ended up creating a completely invisible campaign (like a ghost) encouraging people to interact and participate and make our ghost ads completely real.


On Halloween night, we launched a short video on social media announcing the promotion and encouraging people to "watch" and share our ghost ads.

People would share these phantom ads on X (Twitter), and our “psychic” would visualize what free promotion they had and give them their code.

We didn't actually place any ads, but people "saw" them in a lot of different cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Santiago...


With a budget of $0 we achieved:

-Thousands of participations.

-Promotional codes sold out.

-Most engaged activation of the year at Burger King Spain.

-99% positive sentiment.

-6% more sales than in the previous year.

-Millions of dollars saved on media.

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