Cannes Lions

Good and bad news: Mother-in-law

4129GREY, Istanbul / CALVE / 2024

Supporting Content
Supporting Content
MP3 Original Language






Despite high brand awareness, the product awareness of Calve Sweet Chili Sauce was very low. We needed to increase the product's awareness and ensure it became memorable to the target audience. To make the product stick in people's minds, we chose to use humor. We prepared radio spots that explained the taste of the sauces in a simple and effective manner.


A doctor tells a woman that he has both good news and bad news. As the bad news, he somberly informs her that her mother-in-law will never be able to speak again. The woman is shocked. Then, presenting the same news as good news, the doctor repeats it happily. The woman responds with the same reaction, but joyfully this time.


We needed to maximize the product's awareness level with the minimum media expenditure. By effectively utilizing radio as a medium, we achieved high reach. We ensured that the product was learned about by the Turkish public and observed its reflections in their shopping preferences.

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