Cannes Lions

Hamam Mothers Safety Force


Presentation Image
Case Film






During the launch of #GoSafeOutside campaign in the state of Tamil Nadu, Hamam had done a host of self-defence initiatives like online tutorials, free classes at schools, self-defence packaging and CCTV hoardings.

In 2018 when Hamam wanted to go national, we realised that it did not have the stature to do similar initiatives across the nation. Before we spoke of self-defence, we had to earn the trust of mothers for them to embrace the spirit of #GoSafeOutside.

It is one thing to empower a child. But though Mothers today encourage their kids to be braver and more determined, they still do worry and are hyper aware of the dangers outside.

The objective - Take #GoSafeOutside beyond self-defence and define a role for the brand. Help moms let their children step out and live brave; by making the ‘outside world’ a little safer, friendlier for children.


Moms know that the outside world is scary and overwhelming. With news of abuse, road rage, harassment and worse pouring in every minute, it is difficult to trust this world to be safe for their children. And no one can relate to this anxiety better than another mother.

The Hamam Mothers Safety Force – is a collective call for mothers to take a pledge to step in, come to aid of any child in need, in whatever capacity they can. It is an attempt to harness the collective strength of mothers all over and use it to help make the streets outside safer and help children #GoSafeOutside.

Over time, we hope to make the collective into an online platform armed with information and tools to help mothers draw on each other for guidance, support and wisdom.


Be it humans or beasts – There is nothing stronger than the protective instinct of a mother, and she is the child’s first line of defence.

For a society so fraught in conflict about the rights and safety of women and children, mothers in India are breaking shackles of convention and make difficult choices to do what it is the best for her child.

Even though Hamam did not have national stature, we realised that if we could find a role for Hamam to help mothers combat their fears about the outside world and aid their ambition of raising braver children; we would be able to connect with them.

Hamam Mothers Safety Force is built on the collective strength of mothers all over. We encourage women to stage small interventions, lend a helping hand, maybe a sympathetic year or just stand alongside a child in need.


#GoSafeOutside is an edgy topic and there is the danger of a knee-jerk rejection from the occasionally harsh online audience. We did not want to create paranoia or start a revolt.

- We launched with 2 digital films depicting instances where a woman steps-in to help support a child in need. The films ended with the HMSF pledge asking women to join the community via a missed call or website.

- To add authenticity and reach a wider audience especially in lower LSMs, we roped in influencers to take the pledge and share it forward. Our influencer list was a blend of celebrities, parenting and thought leadership bloggers.

- The HMSF website is the centre point for members to sign up, access information and seek advice.

- Over time we will invest and build this community as a real-time platform for mothers to engage with the brand and each other.


The campaign that went live on the occasion of Mother’s Day, received humongous response.

A purpose so strong and message so simple, people were soon talking about it. With a massive reach of 2,20,53,602 Million, the activation was an instant success.

With 9,24,326 consumer engagements, we knew this initiative had the potential to pave a strong path of purpose for the brand.

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