Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The Romanian healthcare system has poor medication, insufficient infrastructure and a chronic lack of funds. Cancer is the second cause of mortality. The NGO “Daruieste Viata” is committed to create better conditions for cancer treatment.

The key barrier was the fact that people avoid the subject due to its sadness.

Our goal was to create a sustainable fundraising tool and generate an optimistic social movement around it.

We searched for insights relevant to all Romanians in order to promote our cause. Romanians perceive themselves as a sad nation and the World Happiness Report confirms it by placing Romania on the 90th place -one of the saddest countries in Europe.

A nation’s happiness index is determined also by people’s generosity. Studies also show that generous people tend to be happier than the ones who care only for themselves.

The solution was to create “The Happiness Stock Exchange”, an online platform designed to raise funds for the modernization of the Romanian oncology clinics and also increase the happiness index of Romanians.

Since we had no media budget we relied on PR and social media. The leading TV station, the most prestigious business newspaper, over 40 strong influencers became share holders of the Happiness Stock Exchange and promoters of our cause. We raised 1 million EURO in just 2 months by selling 480,000 happiness shares to 3,000 happy share holders. Over 4 million people were exposed to our messages.


The campaign run for 2 month (November 2012 ? January 2013) and started with the launch event followed by on-line, TV and radio. Bogdan Olteanu, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Romania opened The Happiness Stock Exchange in the National Bank, in the same room where the Financial Stock Exchange was opened 10 years ago. The event engaged the most valuable influencers among business and social communities. The campaign had extremely high visibility on the leading TV stations, several news in prime time and the most prestigious IT show presented live the website encouraging people to invest in happiness shares. Several

influencers joined the cause becoming the first investors at Happiness Stock Exchange. We also created one TV ad and one radio and relied on TV stations' generosity to broadcast them.


No advertising budget.

150 VIP participants at the launch event out of which 40 became fully engaged in the program.

TV campaign reached 4,000,000 people. In online reached approximately 250,000 people.

One of the most influential and well-known singers promoted the campaign during his concert, in

front of 4000 fans.

11,181 visitors on the website and on Facebook page we engaged with 3,000 people (without any

paid media).

Media coverage was 100% positive.

TV advertising value estimated at 124,000 EUR

480,000 happiness shares sold to 3,000 investors in just 2 months campaign

Most amazing result - 1,000,000 Euros raised in just 2 months.

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