Cannes Lions


F.BIZ, Sao Paulo / JEEP / 2018

Presentation Image
Digital Proof JPG
Digital Proof JPG






Using a recognized symbol of a ON line life, the hashtag, we have invited the audience to be a little more OFF, to discover the nature on board of a real OFF-road vehicle: Jeep.


We’ve chosen a unique element to illustrate our message: a hashtag.

It is a symbol of a connected life that is being transformed in (or destroyed by) a nature element, to explain in a simple way there’s life outside. An iconographic way to show what is to be off-road nowadays.

And a simple massage asks for a simple execution: a graphic solution, in two colors: black as a main color to the hashtag and its symbiosis with nature. And a variable background color related to this nature element: blue for the bird’s sky, brown for the rocks, red for the lava of the volcano, etc.

It’s also important to say we’ve represented different elements of the nature in each advertisement/poster. Earth, water, air, fire, fauna and Flora were used to show the diversity of the nature and the diversity of a OFF-line and OFF-road life.


The repercussion of an invitation to a more offline life was extremely positive for the brand. Comments on the brand's digital channels have shown a significant increase in Jeep's reputation, making it a love brand even more admired for its attitude.

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