Cannes Lions

Have it very very very your way

OGILVY, Bangkok / BURGER KING / 2024

Case Film
Presentation Image







As a brand, what can Burger King do about this situation? Well, as of 2022, Burger King was facing gaps in ‘top-of-mind Brand' score in its category (1.46% as of January 2023) and in the ‘a popular brand' attribute (-1.97% as of January 2023), up against category leaders like KFC and McDonald’s. For instance, some people still couldn’t tell the king apart from the clown!


Burger King had to take a bigger swing than ever to win back the hearts and stomachs of the entire nation.


- To increase ‘Brand top of mind score in QSR category’ from 1.46% in January 2023 to 2.00% in December 2023

- To increase ‘a popular brand’ from -1.97% in January 2023 to -0.97% in December 2023

- To strengthen brand connection with target audience and increase monthly social media engagements from 8,615,190 in March 2023 to 10,000,000 in July 2023


No Sense or Real?

Proving that at Burger King, any burger made your way is a real burger, even if it breaks all the rules 20-cheese-slice burger!

Burger King reinforces its promise: ‘Have It Your Way’. A belief that celebrates the “abnormalities”, a.k.a. “liberties”, in people’s behavior. If the status quo wants to standardize everything in monotony (*ahem* McDonald’s *ahem*), then Burger King will bring the anarchy. Tired of trying to make sense of this world? Have It Your Way. Just the way you are, whatever suits your taste.


Consumer Insight:

We found that growing up a young adult in Thailand is rife with expectations and formalities in concordance with traditional Thai values. They have to try to make sense of their place in society. They have to try to make sense of their own selves, all amidst the clashing cultural narratives in today’s hyperactive and hyperconnected media.

Communication Strategy:

There are times to take the sensical approach … and then there are times to take the ‘Nonsensical’ approach. We saw a strategic opportunity to do something that makes no sense at all, because the further something falls out of line, the more it gets on trend.

Brand POV:

What if you don’t have to sacrifice your individuality for someone else’s judgment? What if there is no right or wrong way... only your way, whether it makes sense, or no sense, to you?


The Masterplan

The method to the madness is this: put out something unspeakable. It is the most direct and honest way to stay top-of-mind.

The Real Cheeseburger

"Wait, are you serious right now? A burger with 20 slices of cheese – is it nonsense or is it real?”. Let's kick things off with a normal, regular Facebook post. And what happens next? Boom! Social media exploded with shares.

The Real… What Burgers???

Cranking up the 'No Sense' dial even more. Picture this: a series of 'No Sense' burgers inspired by real consumer voices. All unleashed through the magic of a simple Facebook static post.

The Real Meat Burger

Then Burger King dropped the big bomb – the 100 patties burger!, promoted with just one extension Facebook post.

The Real Impact

We challenged other brands to give it to the people with us with 'The Real Series'. Imagine the nonsensical.


Communication result

- Monthly social media engagements increased from 8,615,190 in March 2023 to 11,481,433 in July 2023.

Brand Results

- ‘Brand top-of-mind score in QSR category’ increased from 1.46% to 2.42% for an average of 2023, surpassing the KPI of 0.42%. The maximum score was 3.65% in July 2023.

- ‘A popular brand’ score increased from -1.97% to -0.58% by the end of 2023.

Marketing Results

- Conversion to monthly users increased from 3% to 10% by the end of 2023.

Business Results

- July 2023 burger sales went through the roof 500% vs years ago. This helped drive an annual market share in 2023 increased from 1.8% to 2.0%.

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