Cannes Lions

Hawaii in Iceland

F5, Shanghai / MIDEA / 2024

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Case Film
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Midea emphasizes innovation, sustainability, and enhancing community well-being as its core brand values. The company aims to provide advanced, eco-friendly solutions that promote healthier lifestyles globally. Midea's commitment to these values supports broader initiatives like the United Nations SDGs, particularly focusing on good health and climate action.

At the end of 2023, Midea released the Midea Flagship III All-Season central air conditioner. This product featured advanced 'continuous spray enthalpy technology' that provided robust heating in extremely low temperatures and ensured reliable operation in conditions as cold as -25°C.

The objective was to boost brand awareness and generate social buzz globally for the Midea air conditioner brand by crafting a compelling and touching story grounded in significant consumer insights to drive engagement.


In December 2023, we built an enclosed structure on a beach near Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. This structure includes a tropical sandy beach, simulating an authentic Hawaiian lifestyle. Its architectural design was inspired by the letter ‘M’ in Midea’s logo, enclosed within a circular ring.

To mimic Hawaii's climate, we installed Midea's latest air conditioning products, which can adjust the indoor temperature up to 30ºC, even when it's -25ºC outside. The sand temperature, humidity, and negative ion levels were adjusted accordingly.

Residents were invited to embrace this tropical holiday during the season's most depressing period.

In December, when the sun is up for only four hours, we used an artificial sun to extend the Hawaiian party.


Although the "Hawaii in Iceland" marketing event took place in Iceland, it targets Midea Air conditioner consumers worldwide. To engage our global audience, we need a universally comprehensible campaign. Both Hawaii's warm beaches and Iceland's harsh winters are globally recognized, providing a striking contrast that captures attention.

Research indicates that today's consumers favor brands seen as socially responsible and ethical. With this in mind, we organized an event that invited Icelanders to a simulated Hawaiian paradise, helping alleviate winter depression. This initiative not only showcased Midea’s commitment to improving lives through technology but also aligned with the 'For good' philosophy in marketing.

A documentary film capturing this transformative experience was shared online, demonstrating to the international audience how Midea technology facilitates a healthy lifestyle, no matter the distance or climate challenges.


This project was open to the public from December 15th to 25th, 2023, and was located near a beach at Kleifarvatn, just a 30-minute drive from Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland.

The structure spanned a diameter of 10 meters, accommodating up to 20 visitors at a time.

The construction of this innovative structure took 15 days, a challenging feat accomplished by the skilled set construction team IRMA, known for their stage design work with the Icelandic singer Björk. The team overcame extreme weather conditions, including snowstorms, strong winds, and even a volcanic eruption, to bring this visionary concept to life.


"Hawaii in Iceland" achieved significant results.

Over 350 participants visited, with 75% reporting feeling better. The project garnered over 120 media mentions and was featured by 24 influencers, generating over 5 million USD in earned media. Additionally, sales saw a 9.87% increase.

Mr. He Rulong, the Chinese Ambassador to Iceland, visited the project and expressed strong appreciation.

It received extensive coverage from RÚV, Iceland's national TV station, and local print media outlets including Viðskiptablaðið, as well as international platforms like The Verge, Cision, and Campaignbrief.

The online film of the project achieved over 30 million views across various social media platforms.

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