Cannes Lions

Headband for Good

HAYSTAC, Melbourne / ANZ BANK / 2016

Presentation Image
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Case Film






Tennis is a sport rich in iconic imagery, from the markings of the court to the lush green of Wimbledon. Omnipresent in the game since the 70s, the tennis headband has been a quintessential accessory to complement any tennis outfit throughout time. From Bjorn Borg, Steffi Graf to Andre Agassi, and who could forget when John McEnroe’s face would almost match his big, bright red headband during his on-court tantrums.

Paying homage to the iconic tennis headband, we created #HeadbandForGood, a socially lead campaign, encouraging tennis fans across Australia to grab a headband, pick up their phone and snap a selfie. With ANZ donating $2 for every mention of the hashtag across social platforms.

Creating a memorable and unique hashtag allowed us to aggregate vibrant UGC from Australia and beyond.

By using #HeadbandForGood we united fans contributions, and allowed the people of Facebook/Instagram to start their own tennis themed conversations.


The agency turned around concept to sign off in 72 hours. We had three months to implement the three week campaign across the Australian Open period.

The campaign kicked off with a video featuring Novak Djokovic. Which was played across ANZ’s social channels and ATL (Seven Network). The campaign was also supported with a radio and outdoor spend and on-site promotions. Headbands were handed at Melbourne Park to increase engagement with the campaign. USG was pulled through the hashtag and onto the Rod Laver Arena LED movable billboards.

We created 50 pieces of original content for ANZ to seed across their social channels. As tennis fans digested our content through their newsfeed they began posting their own.

More than 3000 local and international pieces of editorial coverage was achieved with the campaign featuring in titles such as Daily Mail, New Zealand Herald, Foxsports Asia, Telegraph UK, ESPN and The Guardian.


ANZ were thrilled with the results and the energy from fans, they donated $100,000 to World Vision.

Karma came round and customers responded positively, ANZ saw a 12% lift in sentiment towards the brand and a significant 6 point lift in consideration to open a new account.

• 88 million social impressions

• 20K+ mentions of #HeadbandForGood across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

• Average engagement for #HeadbandForGood content on Facebook was 5%

• 28,713 website visits

• Facebook - 32 million impressions

• Instagram - 9.5 million impressions

• Vine influencer videos achieve nearly 2.5 million impressions on Twitter and over 26 million loops.

• 3000+ local and international editorial pieces of coverage was achieved

• The campaign exceeded all KPIs by an average of 326%

Within a week of the launch #Headbandforgood became ANZ's highest performing social media campaign and remains ANZ’s most successful social media campaign ever implemented.

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