Cannes Lions

Heinz Ketchup Insurance

FP7 McCANN, Dubai / HEINZ / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
7 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Case Film
Presentation Image
Demo Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Digital Proof JPG
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Recognizing that ketchup stains are a significant customer pain point (nearly half of Heinz customers have experienced one!), and with social media overflowing with fans documenting their messy mishaps, Heinz sought to launch a campaign to address these concerns with a positively humorous solution and solidify brand loyalty in the incredibly competitive UAE and KSA ketchup market. The objective was twofold: to retain and reward existing customers for their unwavering love for Heinz and to build stronger connections through a unique, entertaining and engaging campaign that showed fans that they should continue to choose Heinz ketchup – worry-free (and hopefully stain-free)! And so, Heinz Ketchup Insurance was born. Because if it’s worth the risk, it has to be Heinz.


Turning messy moments into brand love, Heinz Ketchup Insurance tackled a universal truth – ketchup mishaps. Inspired by 57 real disasters found on social media (48% of fans can relate), we empowered customers to become active participants by claiming their rights as ketchup lovers. Through or a 24/7 hotline, ketchup crisis victims could file claims for relatable but humorously-named scenarios like “The Fountain”, where the claimant applied too much pressure while opening a sachet of Heinz ketchup, causing it to squirt out unexpectedly. With successful claims, Heinz righted these customers’ wrongs by providing services like laundry assistance, up to 1,000 AED in value. This humorous campaign not only addressed a customer pain point but also transformed passive ketchup consumption into a fun, interactive, and rewarding brand experience.


The Heinz Ketchup Insurance campaign targeted a broad audience, including families, individuals, and busy professionals, who frequently encounter ketchup spills. The strategy focused on universally relatable mishaps, ensuring widespread appeal. Media planning was key, utilizing high-traffic social media platforms and digital ads to maximize reach and engagement. Traditional media channels like radio and print were also employed to cover all demographics. The campaign’s approach combined humor with practicality, offering real-time solutions via a 24/7 hotline and an interactive website where claims could be filed. This comprehensive strategy was designed to enhance user interaction, making Heinz not just a product but a supportive presence in kitchens worldwide, thus reinforcing the brand's commitment to consumer satisfaction and innovation.


Launched in February (still ongoing) in the UAE and KSA, Heinz Ketchup Insurance utilized a multi-touchpoint campaign. We collaborated with Kraft Heinz legal to create an official claim application form on a dedicated website

To drive awareness and traffic, we used a mix of online and offline channels: eye-catching OOH ads, limited edition Heinz bottles, social content #heinzketchupinsurance, and a toll-free claims hotline (800-575757) – one of the longest branded audio experiences.

We also created 57 illustrated posters showcasing 57 customer-inspired ketchup mishaps, displayed at popular Dubai restaurants. The illustrations also appeared on Heinz Arabia social media and selected supermarket shelf labels.

After browsing / listening to 57 claims, submitting and receiving approval, claimants received laundry services and more (up to 1,000 AED) through MyBenefits, the Middle East's largest discount app.

We ensured customers could easily discover and apply for Heinz Ketchup Insurance coverage thanks to various engaging touchpoints.


Our campaign was implemented with a strategic rollout from February 25th to April 5th, effectively capturing the target audience’s attention during peak dining times. The execution involved a coordinated launch across multiple channels, with Instagram as the primary platform, supported by additional content on Facebook and TikTok to broaden the reach. Placement was optimized for high engagement times, utilizing user-generated content and interactive posts that encouraged sharing and participation. On a larger scale, the campaign reached significant volumes, contributing to an 18% increase in value sales and a 25% rise in volume sales of Heinz ketchup in the UAE. We achieved a high engagement rate with 3056 claims processed through the hotline and website, reaching 136.1 million people globally, with $23M in earned media. Engagement with the brand soared by 856%, demonstrating the campaign’s extensive reach and successful integration across social media platforms.

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