Cannes Lions


TERAN\TBWA, Mexico City / HEINZ / 2024

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Case Film







In Mexico, Heinz is a brand that has not yet been firmly established in the market and in the minds of consumers. With the quality and values, we seek to expand its market presence, particularly by resonating with consumers who prioritize premium quality and are willing to invest in our superior ketchup.


Unveil a Super Bowl campaign that not only enhances brand awareness but also disruptively connects with our audience, all within a limited budget.


1. Increase brand equity among a young audience by implementing engaging content tailored to their preferences and interests.

2. Enhance engagement and expand the reach of our social media platforms compelling storytelling, interactive features, and strategic promotion.


We faced the challenge of positioning Heinz in the Super Bowl with a limited budget. Recognizing that 7 out of 10 ads during Super Bowl transmissions in Mexico focus on food, restaurants, and delivery companies, we identified a unique opportunity. Introducing 'Heinzterception': a filter that infuses the unmistakable flavor of Heinz into ads from other brands.

Using our understanding of users' extensive cellphone usage, we utilized technology and social media to disrupt the Super Bowl experience. Users simply had to use the Instagram filter to intercept food ads during the Super Bowl and share them for a chance to win a trip to the next Super Bowl in New Orleans.

We strategically inserted ourselves into spaces where we hadn't previously had the opportunity, leveraging competitor ads during the Super Bowl.


Data Gathering

We leverage key performance indicators (KPIs) to enhance our engagement and raise awareness of our social media platforms. Much of our data consists of second-party data, which aids us in reaching individuals to generate first-party data and elevate our social metrics.

CTA: Intercept the SuperBowl ads with Heinz.

Target Audience

Our audience, known as curious explorers, represents 23.8% of the market. They are characterized by their insatiable curiosity, enthusiasm for learning new things, and their constant quest for adventure. They prioritize staying connected with friends and family, cherishing those relationships deeply. Always on the lookout for the latest trends and brands, they are trendsetters and influencers within their social circles.


Recognizing that the vast majority would have their cell phones within reach during the Super Bowl, we aimed to empower them as content creators for our brand by ingeniously incorporating our message into other advertisers' commercials.



We developed an easy-to-use Instagram filter that allowed users to point at any screen and add Heinz ketchup to the food featured in the Super Bowl ads. People were required to upload their intercepted ads via Instagram stories using a hashtag that we could use to track their participation and tagging the brand.


We launched the filter two weeks before the Super Bowl to allow people to familiarize themselves with it. Only participations during the Super Bowl would be counted.


We launched the filter with influencers relevant to our target audience and sports journalists, who served as our spokespersons to explain how it worked. We also attended events where people gathered to watch the game.


Several entertainment and sports media picked up the idea to feature it.


Our campaign had a significant impact across various metrics. With a total campaign impact of over 70 million, including a reach of 14 million individuals, our message resonated widely. This expansive reach led to over 11,900 valid participations, showcasing strong engagement from our audience during the 3 hours and 44 minutes of the official broadcast time during the last Super Bowl.

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