Cannes Lions


CUBOCC, Sao Paulo / UNILEVER / 2015

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WhatsCook was designed to help our target in a moment in which they needed a little help, when they didn’t know what to cook with the ingredients they had at home. Using Hellmann’s, the special touch that could transform their ingredients into a delicious dish, we taught people how to cook through WhatsApp, the top national messaging app. The project evoked live consumer participation connecting people to real chefs prepared to teach them using video, text and images.

- WhatsApp was the medium used to connect consumers with the brand, in real time.

- People participated actively to learn how easy it was to cook with Hellmann's

- The activation promoted engagement, encouraging people to interact with the brand in an innovative way.

- 65 minutes of interaction: this was the average time people kept chatting, cooking and interacting with the brand.


We used tools that were already there: Our consumer’s mobile phones, Whatsapp (penetration of 79% of smartphones in Brazil) and the food they had in their kitchens. Whatscook was a one to one, real time service that connected people to chefs, who taught how to cook using exactly what people had at home. Consumers entered their mobile phone numbers on our website, and chefs got in touch with them through Whatsapp. Then, consumers sent a picture of their refrigerator and the chefs came up with a delicious recipe. To teach, they used pictures, videos and other WhatsApp native options.


Firstly launched in Brazil for a limited time (two weeks), the project was rolled out to Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, for 3 more weeks in each country.

13.000+ people signed up for the service

1200+ dishes cooked and shared,

An average of 65 minutes per user interacting with the brand

The project exceed all expectations in terms of earned media and gained both national and international repercussion, resulting in more than 5.000.000+ people impacted.

All of this resulted in happily fed and inspired consumers, with 99.5% users approval.

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