Cannes Lions


4AM SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Tegucigalpa / FORD / 2015

Case Film
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We developed an idea that can ultimately change the world. By creating a new kind of test drive that first of all inspires people to help their country and THEN motivates them to purchase a car, we can change an industry that is often too shallow.

Our challenge was to turn the Ford Ranger into a 4x4 icon. The objective was to improve the driving experience of an all-terrain pick-up truck while helping people in need. Our strategy was simple: Creating an impactful experience that could also create a bond with the brand. The execution was simple as well; we launched our program and offered clients the option of taking a traditional test drive or taking Help Drive. Most of them chose the latter, which helped us spread the word all across every media channel and ultimately help more people.

For the client, the program helped increase the amount of people interested in a test drive and it also increased the brand's reputation, not only within the target but also all around the country.

We believe that Help Drive is a perfect match for the PR category since it involves helping people while test driving the Ford Ranger Truck creating an impactful experience not only on the potential costumer but also in more than 1000 people getting help in isolated communities in Honduras.


After coming up with the idea, we realized that we needed a lot of help in logistics. So we contacted COPECO, the national permanent emergency commission. They helped us by providing the information of the most needed and isolated communities in the country. So we made two Pilot Help Drives to selected communities before exposing our costumers. We had to be sure of the safety and situation of the roads and destinations. After we traced the three first routes we contacted potential buyers to invite them to participate. At the beginning, it was hard. Not everybody wants to invest a weekend day and wake up early. After the second successful Help Drive we gave a press conference in Dimasa Ford's facilities. We shared our webpage The news spread really fast, in a couple of days regional magazines and tv shows were buzzing everything up.


Hundreds of people have filled up the form in our webpage and asked for a Help Drive. Filling up our calendar until august, so we will have potential buyers living the experience of the Ranger like never before. Also Media and Social Networks have increased the interest of potential buyers. During the last Help Drive TVh International Channel joined on a Help Drive and produced a Prime time Reality Show out of the driving/helping experience.

Regular sales are 2 to 3 Ford Rangers in a typical month, and reaches a maximum of 4 sales in the months of June and December (because of the extra salaries and bonus). After a regular Test Drive, it takes from 2 weeks to 3 months for a costumer to decide. So Ford Usually keeps 16 Rangers in stock.

After Help Drive, sales in march reached 5 rangers sold, a big accomplishment in a regular month. But in April Dimasa Ford sold 8 Rangers, that's half of the stock, and reduced the average costumer's decision rate to only a week. Dimasa Ford doubled the sales of a top month in a regular month.

Some key numbers,

Digital Performance

Unique Users: 726

Visits: 1,122

The average of users on a website that fill out a form is usually 25% to 30%

The average for a test drive website is 217 completed forms (or requests)

Help Drive got: 409 completed forms (Help Drives requested)

Also, we attach a COPECO (National disaster comission) letter with the help results (over 1700 people) and a PR report of the earned media using a budget of $0.

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