Cannes Lions

Helt Texas


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We used the suggestions from the live show, created relevant content and made direct dialogue with the TYT hosts. In less than 24 hours after the show aired, we had our chefs make two completely new pizzas based on the hosts suggestions : "NorWay - Jose - a totally inappropriate pizza" and "So Norwegian - a sweet and nice pizza". We made a movie, presenting the back story and the pizzas, tweeted it directly to the hosts, and challenged them to “eat their own words”. Their response was overwhelming, so we jumped on the first flight to America for a pizza delivery.


We reacted quickly and created high quality direct content to a specific audience of four people. Acting on a clear strategy to prove our brand values in public, we got hosts on the largest online network involved on a personal yet public level. Our response was both creating new products, created specifically for the target audience, made, documented and sent within 24 hours of the initial news. We followed up the initiative by flying the team across the Atlantic to bake and deliver the new pizzas live to the targeted hosts. Both step 1 and 2 in our response made for high quality content and public interaction through Twitter with high profile news hosts.


Dolly Dimple’s managed to make itself relevant and extremely visible with no media budget at all. Dolly proved to their fans that they live by their core values of speed and quality, delivered in a playful and innovative way. A premium quality pizza, quickly delivered with a smile and a surprising twist. Overall the campaign managed to reach 1,5 million people, and the response we made for TYT had over 200% more organic dispersion than a normal facebook post for Dolly Dimples.

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