Cannes Lions

Here is SG


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At a time when Singaporeans were coming out of one of the world’s toughest responses to Covid, the Singapore Tourism Board commissioned us to create a sculpture that embodied Singapore’s destination story, Passion Made Possible (‘PMP’).

When locals and visitors think of Singapore, what comes to mind first are the beautiful landmarks and city skyline. However, Singapore would not be the prosperous city-state it is today without the passions, hard work and determination of its people; and in essence, this is what the PMP brand represents. A message many did not know of, yet highly relevant for the times. Business objectives were set out to raise awareness, relevance, and advocacy and physical representation of the PMP brand.


As a young nation with few natural resources, Singapore has always depended on the tenacity and resourcefulness of its citizens. This was the root of our creative idea to make the sculpture anamorphic in nature, featuring the PMP brand logo (SG Mark) in its fragmented form, converging in full when viewed from a single vantage point. Representing people from all walks of life coming together, to forge a national identity amid diversity.

Strategically positioned in the Marina Bay area, a microcosm of Singapore’s best parts, and well-known amongst locals and visitors alike. The sculpture is set against the Singapore skyline, to evoke awe and remind everyone how Singapore’s success today, resulted from the people’s spirit and determination.

Not just a vehicle of the PMP brand, we wanted the sculpture to become an interactive shared space and serve as an anchor of identity and community bonds, for people of all passions.


As a subtle nod to Singapore’s vision towards becoming a City in Nature, the 20m-long and 3.5m-high sculpture is born from a collaboration of locals from diverse disciplines, and a fusion of geometrical and sustainable design elements.

With sustainability built into its design, the sculpture is made of 834 different reconstituted natural timber pieces and adorned with locally grown plants (resistant to Singapore’s strong heat) which are housed in planter boxes with a self-irrigating system. Powered by a built-in solar panel system, the sculpture requires a daily power consumption of 7.2KwH; approximately half of a HDB household’s daily average consumption.

Designed with a multi-faceted functionality, the public is invited to explore and celebrate their passions at the sculpture. From having different activities on the sculpture grounds such as yoga or dancing, to simply resting in an alcove of a fragmented piece – Here is where people, passion and possibilities meet.


The sculpture’s design and sustainable elements were well received by the public as we saw a steady stream of conversations and interest to visit the sculpture in the online space, through September to November 2022. For example, Singapore Tourism Board’s key-opinion-leader (KOL) paid collaborations reached 8.75M+ audiences across different passion groups (e.g., fitness, lifestyle, family, music, and photography) and garnered an engagement rate of 20.5%; 16.5% higher than the industry benchmark (4%). Overall, the sculpture garnered a total reach of 49M across STB’s paid and owned media across social and online platforms. Through the increased brand resonance and social currency with audiences, ‘Here is SG’ has helped STB achieved their objective of raising awareness and advocacy for the PMP brand and Singapore’s larger destination story.

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