Cannes Lions


TALENT MARCEL, Sao Paulo / CNA / 2019

Case Film
Supporting Images






The CNA English school asked for ideas that directly impact its own

business. So, we decided to think of something related to the brand's

core business. In this case, the lessons. The goal was to create a more

dynamic, engaging and effective class for students to feel satisfied in the

CNA and to recommend the school to their friends and family.


As Brazilians, we know that the best way to learn English is by talking

face to face to those who grew up in an English-speaking country. Since

Brazil receives a considerable number of foreigners, we decided to create

a place that welcomed the gringos and put them in contact with our

students. To create a win-win scenario, the foreigners pay their stay by

talking to our students. The gringos save money and our students earn a

unique lesson.


We aim to create an enjoyable and memorable brand experience with the

students. We wanted to reinforce the CNA concept: "It makes you want to

learn English," which positioning the school as a place where students

have fun lessons and dynamic experiences that go beyond the



We partnered with a local hostel (Café Hostel) and decorated it with CNA

icons, transforming it into CNA Hostel. So, we promoted the project for

foreigners through digital posts and with some local guerrilla stunts.

The classes take place once in a month, according to the availability of

guests and students. The Café Hostel operates normally. However,

when the lesson happens, we decorate the establishment as CNA

Hostel to welcome the students and enhance the experience.


CNA English School positioning itself as a school that teaches English in

a fun way, with experiences that goes beyond the classroom. CNA Hostel

was created to be a class that makes the students experience this.

The idea was a success among the students. Many of them had their first

conversation with a foreign person. This satisfaction with the brand was

shared by the students both on social and to their families and friends.

Besides that, franchises from all over the country askes to implant CNA

hostel at it’s schools.

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