
How SKODA Poland put the ‘chool’ into driving school


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Over the years, SKODA’s Auto Safety initiative trained over 150.000 drivers to drive safely. However, despite this professional service by the leading car brand, it did not improved brand metrics. It was time to make “SKODA Auto Safety” famous, and make SKODA the king of the road when it comes to safety.

Poland has one of the highest densities of car users per inhabitant in Europe, even leading over the UK and Germany. However, despite the seemingly great circumstances of a nation that gave Formula1 a Grand Prix winning driver, SKODA uncovered a significant gap that hinders the Poles from being mobile on a grander scale. A gap that could be filled with SKODA’s products and services…


If we show that thanks to the Skoda brand, even in such a stressful and difficult situation as learning to drive, we can provide a sense of security and comfort, we will win women's hearts. We needed to create compelling activities that communicated rules and guidelines that were easy to understand.


1. We had to lend credence to the brand's safety experience

2. The adopted form of communication had to be light and attractive so that the recipients could absorb it themselves

3. We needed to present a model relevant for the group, which, through experience with the brand, would show how to overcome barriers


We struck a partnership with the largest TV station in PL, TVN. We found women who had a driver’s license, but did not drive - morning show host Katarzyna Jaroszynska, who was trained by SkodaAutoSafety experts.

And when we thought it couldn’t get any better, social media blew up as one of the most iconic stars of the Polish music scene – Edyta Górniak - decided to get her license at the age of 46.

With Edyta Gorniak as its protagonist, and SKODA safety experts as support roles, ‘My Way’ was born a primetime reality series on TVN, which in 8x25 minute episodes brought safe driving into the living rooms of 25% of Polish households.

In order to control the conversation in social media we built “MyWay Studio”. It featured the SkodaAutoSafety experts answering most common questions.

It was the perfect way for SKODA to get into hearts and homes.


MyWay was an amazing success – it delivered great value and results for SKODA.

It was seen by 25% of households – almost 9M people, with average minute viewership of just under 500k people.

It delivered 2,5M EUR of media value for half the price.

We boosted the awareness of Skoda Auto Szkola from 30% to 50% and managed to grow the metric “SKODA cares about my safety” from 67% to 79%.

But most of all, we struck a chord with women. Brand consideration among women grew by an astounding 61% from 23% to 37% and brand likeability grew by 28% - from 36% to 46%.

These are gamechanging results that we have never seen before!

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