Cannes Lions

HP All-American Family Portrait


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In a 2018 national study, HP discovered that 3 out of 4 Americans pictured an all-American family as a white mom, dad and kids and through its actions, the current U.S. Administration is reinforcing this stereotype. According to U.S. Census Data, only 1 in 4 families match that portrait. At the same time, the world and specifically photography has gone digital, and American families are no longer printing their family pictures, resulting in a heavy decline in photo printer sales. As one of the leading brands of photo printers for the home, and a company deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, HP saw an opportunity to confront this unconscious bias through the lens of family portraits - driving unity in the United States while demonstrating the emotional power of a printed photo.


When faced with a diverse group of strangers and asked to create a portrait of today’s ‘all-American Family’, what would the average American do? Would they showcase the reality of today’s American families, or default to the perceived norm? On July 22, 2018, we invited a group of people to do just that - construct their idea of an all-American family portrait from what appeared to be a random group of Americans. Then, we revealed 13 real families hidden within the group, debunking outdated stereotypes and celebrating real portraits of today’s diverse American families, and taking a purposeful stance at a time when the country needed it the most. Finally, we photographed and printed portraits of the real families, constructing a gallery that represented the reality of America today.


Given the current cultural and political climate, HP sought to?shed light on the true makeup of American families today. We surveyed 2,000 adults in the U.S. to examine attitudes toward and perceptions of the “All-American Family.”??The survey also included a?unique,?inherent bias test?to uncover the unconscious biases?Americans?have?toward the image and make-up of the “All-American Family.” One of the most surprising stats of the survey found 3 of 4 people picture an all-American family as a white mom, dad and kids.?In reality, only?1 in 4 families match that portrait. This specific data point provided the creative catalyst to construct the “All-American Family Portrait” film and supporting campaign.


HP brought together 13 Chicago families of different races, ethnicities, ages, genders and sexual orientations for a one day filmed social experiment. During the social experiment, families were separated from one another to ensure we didn’t reveal the families from which they came. From there, a smaller group of individuals, our “choosers”, were brought in and asked to construct their idea of an “all-American family.” The ‘families’ they created followed a predictable image: same race, different gender, heterosexual. Unsurprisingly, none of the people choosing the families got it right. Once all the choosers had constructed their family portraits, we revealed 13 real families hidden within the group in a surprising, emotional, and joyful moment that exposed the unconscious biases many of us have, regardless of our backgrounds or political views. The resulting short documentary film was shared online and through earned media, igniting a national conversation about bias.


Despite showing HP photo printer on-screen for less than 5 seconds, independent research firm System 1 showed the film delivering 48% increase in purchase intent.??The “All-American Family Portrat” film is also HP’s highest?scoring film ever on the company’s proprietary ad testing methodology which measures emotional?response, brand preference and purchase intent. The film?was?highlighted?in?CNBC’s Power Lunch segment?on?consumers’ preference for brands that “take a stand,”?and noted as a “smart risk” on?CNN’s Quest Means?Business.??It?was Adweek’s “Ad of the Day” and in Fast Company’s? “Top 5 Ads of the Week.”? Most importantly, HP printer sales achieved double digit growth following the launch of the film.

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