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The European Commission’s (EC) Humanitarian Aid department, which funds relief efforts to millions of victims of disaster and crises across the globe, reached out to our agency to assist in an effort to increase knowledge of the department within the United Kingdom. Tackling a national distrust of European Union policies and apathy among a critical and influential age group (17 – 24 year olds) would require a comprehensive communications campaign. A multi-dimensional campaign targeted two key audiences – university freshers (whose opinions and ideas are often reshaped on campus) and top tier media. We struck gold in developing presence for the EC at Freshers Fairs at three key UK universities. Eye-catching and hard-hitting collateral, giveaways, informative staff and a popular essay contest worked in concert to educate and connect students with the EC’s Humanitarian efforts. Media were similarly inspired and informed by an out-of-the-box press luncheon with a key EC representative. As a direct result of our campaign, UK students and media alike developed greater knowledge of the EC Humanitarian Aid Department.


Our central campaign theme – From If to Life – used visual materials and messaging to connect with students on an emotional and memorable level. We designed and distributed “disaster preparedness kits” and water bottles with factual information that drove home the realities of countries in crisis. The Ideas for Life competition sustained the campaign. Students were asked to submit a 1-page proposal on how the EC’s Humanitarian Aid department could relieve the suffering of people caught up in crises. University newspapers and regional press were pitched to reach students not present at the Fairs. To kick-off the media campaign, we organised a "There’s no such thing as a free lunch" roundtable at London’s Murano restaurant. Top tier media were invited to discuss aid and department policies with Simon Horner, Head of the Humanitarian Aid department. Diverting from the traditional frills at these events, media were shocked when servers lifted silver cloches to reveal food ration parcels. Attention captured, Mr. Horner then had an open forum to share key messages, success stories and challenges.


Over 6,000 fact sheets, 1,000 water bottles, 1,000 ‘be prepared’ kits, goody bags and merchandise were distributed at Fairs reaching over 3,000 students. The ‘Ideas for Life’ contest actively engaged with students. The client was overwhelmed by interest on campus. The media roundtable was a huge success, measured in part by the quality of influential attendees including The Economist, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, and the BBC. Media remarked that they learned a great deal about the critical work done by the EC and expressed pleasure in a new open channel of communication with the EC. Live video footage taken of student’s interest at the events revealed that the Humanitarian Aid Department was viewed by students in a positive light following the campaign. Feedback showed that students were better educated on the EC Humanitarian Aid Department’s initiatives around the world, with many students enquiring about ways to enlist and volunteer with the EC.

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