Cannes Lions


VIRGO HEALTH, Richmond / NOVARTIS / 2015

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Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) is an isolating disease for patients, a challenging condition for clinicians and payers and a heart sink story for media. It was essential that we devised a PR campaign that delivered compelling insights via innovative communication techniques to motivate behaviour change and achieve its objectives.

Through novel European research conducted with patients, carers, HCPs and the public, the campaign highlighted, for the first time, the societal value of ABC women,

creating a compelling message that could not be ignored. I Am Not The Cancer also exposed misconceptions about ABC and barriers to patient care and support.

These insights were brought to life via a first-of-its-kind sonic installation which used directional speakers to force audiences to confront the uncomfortable truths of ABC.

“It is striking that a health-care company has chosen to get its point across through such unconventional means” The Lancet.

This arresting PR content provided a platform for education, debate and critically, the evidence needed to build political momentum.

Since the campaign’s inception, we have improved understanding of ABC among stakeholders by 91%. Payers, patient organisations and HCPs have developed a 5 point action plan off the back of the campaign evidence to influence health policies. MEPs have invited the campaign to

European Parliament to generate political debate and have signed a written declaration to improve ABC services. Patient groups are using the campaign toolkit to better support patients and clinicians are publishing the campaign findings in prestigious scientific journal The Breast*.



We quantified the societal and monetary value of ABC women implementing unique research across nine countries. A survey of over 2,000 pan-Europeans, across 11 countries and 300 HCPs grabbed the attention of MEPs, payers and health economists and provided evidence that ABC is greatly misunderstood.


We created ‘I Am Not The Cancer’, a first-of-its-kind sonic installation which used directional speakers to force audiences to confront the uncomfortable truths of ABC. Pan-EU patients revealed intimate stories sparking emotional reactions. “It is striking that a health-care company has chosen to get its point across through such unconventional means” The Lancet.

The installation has been currently staged in 10 countries, including at the European Parliament in 2015.

• Patient group support toolkit currently being used by eight countries

• Hosted an eight country policy meeting resulting in a 5 point action plan to improve pan-European access


• 10 IANTC events across Europe, with over 500 stakeholders attending

• 1,500 coverage hits and social posts across 11 European countries

• Coverage of HCP research resulted in 14,000,000 OTS

• Senior Clinician leading the publication of campaign research in prestigious scientific journal The Breast

• 1,000 copies of the report requested by EU stakeholders

• Request from Dr Fatima Cardoso (Congress Chair) for campaign research to be submitted as an abstract to ABC3 to broaden reach

• Invitation by MEP Emma McClarkin to show IANTC at European Parliament in 2015 – with ground-breaking review in The Lancet

• Eight EU Patient Groups using the ABC patient resource toolkit to support their patients

• Developed a 5 point action plan to improve access to care across Europe

• 5 point call to action has been accepted for publication in ‘Cancer World’ following KOL action

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