Cannes Lions

I don’t buy it

MARVELOUS, Moscow / AVON / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film







Russian women are the least protected from domestic violence in Europe. Victims tend to come back to the tyrants up to 7 times and each return raises the risk of fatal outcome


Create the idea that not only will raise the awareness of the problem but will provide the solution for those women who are suffering domestic violence right now


Increase the number of contacts to the Anna Crisis Center

Raise awareness of the problem


We created a special tool that help women to spot the manipulation

Together with the Praktika theatre and Anna Center ( NGO that helps women to recover after domestic violence ) we created videos based on the manipulation techniques. Professional actors used scripts that were based on real stories of domestic violence to show women how tyrants use manipulation to make them stay. All videos ended with the message to use Anna center's chat bot if you recognise your situation in the video


Insight - It’s hard to distinguish manipulation in real life

Key message - If you recognize yourself on this videos - contact the Anna crisis center's chat bot

Our target audience - women who suffer from domestic violence

We created 3 videos and placed it on Avon's social media all other distribution was made virally


3 videos were placed in Avon's social media channels

Many bloggers and media shared it for free

Professional resources started to use our videos in the work to demonstrate manipulation


+60 percent more contacts to the Anna Crisis Center

1,5 $ Pr value

50 + mentions in subject related media

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