Cannes Lions

I Like Mate Without Child Labor

POSIBL., Buenos Aires / CHANGE.ORG / 2017

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Case Film
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Posibl. created a transmedia project and a campaign to raise awareness about the problem through the production of a web documentary with a call to action to sign an online petition where people was able to support a national law against child slavery and to empower this cause by forcing leaders to take decisions about how to regulate this industry and certify products derived from the yerba mate crop. The research and data gathering Information was based on public records, national papers and interviews with Deputies, Senators, Mayors, NGOs, Activists, Yerba Mate Brands, Tareferos Families (people that live from the crop of Mate, including childs).


The implementation of this transmedia project was 100% online and the placement was through social networks on Facebook, video platforms like youtube, but mostly through the multimedia channels of and PR. The campaign started in March 1st 2016 with a short documentary revealed and after on month 3 web episodes and trailers in addition to several social networks posts and print news on media related to the work. Some of the massive and recognized media involved were CNN, BBC, La Nacion, Infobae, Sputnik, El Mundo from Spain, among many others. Well known celebrities from Argentina were involved and even Pope Francis take notice about this and invited the team to present at Vatican City the story at the Judge's Summit against Human Trafficking and Organized Crime.


The change in behavior and the immediate response from different actors of the society created a powerful campaign with strong results:

- 50 influencers and celebrities joined the campaign.

- More than 68,000 signed the online petition

- More than 150 articles in recognized international media.

- 60 million people reached

- 1 Million USD in Ad Value

- Screening and Presentation of the Draft Law Against Child Slavery in the Congress.

- Presentation in the Vatican City with Pope Francis at the Judge's Summit against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

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