Cannes Lions



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Demo Film






The movie Tom of Finland is much more than just a story of a late artist who drew gay pornographic material. It is a story of how Finland as a society has developed during past decades and transformed into a much more open society. The movie believes in three key values: courage, love and freedom. We believed that by getting as many Finns as possible to stand behind these values, and promote the movie while doing so, we would have the keys to success.

To get the whole of Finland to talk about the upcoming movie about the late Finnish gay artist Tom of Finland, we gave the target audience tools to stand up for the movies values: courage, love and freedom. At the same time people were promoting the movie itself.


The campaign consisted of three key elements.

1. To get a strong start to the campaign, we spread out pictures of 20 celebrities who volunteered to be photographed in a Tom of Finland –manner with leather. These brave faces stated that anyone can be Tom of Finland. Celebrity portraits were also used in OOH advertising

2. We opened a picture generator to the public where anywhere could make a Tom of Finland picture of him/herself and spread the message

3. We introduced custom made Tom of Finland emojis for the public to use


• In the first two months 90 000 went to see the movie, making it the 2nd most watched Finnish movie in 2017 and the highest grossing LGBT movie in Finland. To compare, this is approximately the same amount of viewers that Brokeback Mountain received during one entire year in Finland

• Over 150 000 Tom of Finland selfies were generated during the two weeks of the campaign. Staggeringly 20% of them outside of Finland even though the campaign site was only in Finnish during the time

• Literally all of the Finnish mainstream media (TV, Radio, newspapers, magazines and online) and some international ones too picked up the story. Some even more than on one occasion. Solely in Finland, 193 articles were written during the launch campaign

• Authorised by the foreign ministry, Tom of Finland got a place in the official country Emojis of Finland

• Tom of Finland was declared an

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