Cannes Lions



Demo Film






- The brand's business objective is to transform a commoditized experience into an exceptional one.

- Flight has become commoditized, with price often overshadowing the experience itself. Today, the destination holds more importance than the flight experience.

- How can we create extraordinary experiences in brand communication?

To reignite a sense of wonder, we gave the audience the chance to rediscover the skies through the eyes of a unique character who had never experienced the joy of flying. The film depicts the hero being greeted by an ally to experience the feeling of flying for the first time.


This film was created using 3D-modeled CGI characters integrated into real-life footage and mixed-media composites.

To seamlessly integrate two hyper-realistic animals into real footage, meticulous attention was devoted to every detail of their design, analysis, rigging, and aging process. Inspired by authentic models placed on-site, this ensured not only visual fidelity but also captured the essence of the environment, creating a seamless blend between the CGI elements and the real footage.

Careful attention was dedicated to the design of the characters, studying the correct anatomies and idiosyncratic details of two types of animals native to the region of Mexico. The iguana is a species endemic to certain regions of Mexico, and the Golden eagle is an important icon of culture and national pride.


More than 22 million views only on TikTok and more than 34 million views only YouTube. That is just a quick glimpse of what happened 7 months ago. The audience engaged with the film in social media in an unexpected way, demanding that the longer versions be published as soon as possible. Many stories emerged of how viewers cried and shared the content with friends and family, showing how people empathized and saw themselves reflected in the main character, resulting in an unprecedented positive sentiment for an Aeromexico film in Latin America. Brand awareness grew in an already established brand in Mexico and Latin America.

This film was a milestone for a 90-year-old airline, serving as an important step in a rebranding effort. It became a crucial moment in the development of a new storytelling language and tone for the brand.

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