Cannes Lions

IKEA - Ads that Save Time

LEO BURNETT, Mumbai / IKEA / 2024

Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
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• Situation - Globally, IKEA is the go-to brand for organising products. However, being a new entrant in the Indian market, IKEA was yet to make its mark as the organising maestro.

• Brief - Pushing up organising to the top of India’s priority list and making IKEA synonymous with organising.

• Objectives - To create tangible relevance in Indians’ lives with respect to everyday organising.

• Share the media insight that led to this work – YouTube ads are a cause of frustration in users’ lives. People want to get to their content quickly and hence always wait to skip the ad. In this chaos, brand messages get skipped quite easily.


YouTube has a user base of 467 millions people in India. Most of them prefer skipping ads as they appear to be a waste of time for them. So we tapped on this belief to create ultra-short ads that not only demonstrate how to save time but also saves time for the viewer. The ads end before time thus, saving precious seconds for the user while telling them how IKEA’ products can save time in every walk of life.


Target Audience: Households with double income working professionals. These users are digitally savvy and are always on-the-go. Time is their most valued commodity.

Approach: Our objective was to create tangible relevance in Indians’ lives with respect to everyday organising. However, organising for the benefit of aesthetic appeal came low on the priority list. Instead, this consumer always racing against time and reframing organizing as a time saving tool would pique their interest. Hence, we pitched organising as a time saver.

Media Planning. The intend was to catch this consumer in a place they are most mindful of time. This digital native consumer is aware that you can skip an ad in 5 seconds and doing a mental countdown of 5,4,3.. just to be able to hit the skip button. To deliver time efficiency, we chose a medium where our consumer is looking to save every last second.


• Implementation - We used the skip button on YouTube to skip the viewer first

• Media channels and integration – YouTube

• Timeline - 16th August, 2023-10th September, 2023

• Scale - We created 36 ads targeting 467 million YouTube users


• Time spent with brand- 5 seconds/film

• Proof of engagement: 2,54,244 clicks, CTR – 2.61% as opposed to the standard 0.57%, VTR- 100%

• Owned media results: 53.7+ Million impressions

• Earned media results: 10.9+ Million impressions

• Consumer loyalty: 3.5% increase in brand desire

• Brand perception: 10.3% increase in people equating IKEA with organising

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