Cannes Lions

IKEA Kitchen Meeting Point (Kuchnia Spotkań)

MEC, Warsaw / IKEA / 2017

Case Film
Presentation Image
Presentation Image






The IKEA Kitchen Meeting Point (Kuchnia Spotkan) enables customers to test out a new kitchen in a setting that is more natural and authentic than a store, identifying their preferences, so they can feel confident about their purchase. The concept encourages conversion by creating a positive environment

and experience associated with friends and family.

IKEA Kitchen Meeting Point regularly organizes events, such as

cooking workshops and evenings for seniors, in an effort to drive engagement with the concept.


It turned out, that opening a spot, where people can do their party, for free, in the very city center, was a bulls eye: it was a true, undiscovered and not addressed before, Poles' need.

After we had opened the Meeting point, we begun to amplify it in the traditional way: we invited some influencers, celebrities, print editors, even some nationwide TV stations: They showed up.

But, what shortly proved: the Kitchen Meeting Point did not need "paid" amplification at all.

IKEA Kitchen Meeting Point immediately became the hottest place in Warsaw. Its popularity exceeded our wildest expectations. So many people wanted to book a place that they crashed the booking system. After this, we changed the reservation rules from "first-wins" to "best-wins"

Even Celebrities lined up to have a chance to be there.


We have recruited Facebook users where we rewarded the most interesting applications justifying that they should get a spot in an IKEA Point. This in turn boosted sharing among their friends and built an organic campaign. Thanks to this, we have gained the scale of a typical paid mass media campaign with close to none paid media spend. Thousands of posts, likes, shares and massive UGC following made IKEA Kitchen Meeting Point, reach a total of over 10 million people. All organically.

The project contributed to boosting sales of IKEA Kitchens + 27% of uplift YoY.

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