
IKEA Power Poster

DDB GROUP DÜSSELDORF, Dusseldorf / IKEA / 2016

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IKEA does much more than BILLY. IKEA creates innovative living concepts, just like the latest furniture design series, that charges smartphones wirelessly just by putting them onto a certain IKEA piece. However, most people aren’t aware of that, and if they are, they are insecure if the technology works for them.

Make people aware of new wireless charging furniture series, educate them on how easy-to-use the new furniture series is and ultimately drive sales.

Prove that IKEA’s innovative furniture series is easy-to-use and accessible for everyone and just what people need to simplify their lives.


To bring a real product experience to the people we created the first CLP that could wirelessly charge your smartphone – by just holding it onto the CLP. Or as we call it: the IKEA Power Poster. A clear design and headline mechanic invited users to get their phones out and charge them for free. Doing so they became part of the ad, as they stack to the posters and pointed at the headline while charging. But we went one step further, thanks to built in NFC technology we could send them right onto the IKEA web page, where they could buy the product or get more information.


To put the Power Posters in the best possible place we searched for a place where the next plug is miles away but people are bored so the urge to use the phone is big. Also we wanted them to have some spare time to kill. And we found it: bus/tram stops. For one day people could experience the effortlessness of wireless charging and check out the new product line directly online, while charging. Even though the Power Posters where a unique one-day stunt they got people excited about IKEA’s new products for much longer.

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