Spikes Asia



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The visual acuity of Japanese children continues to get worse. In Japan, the percentage of high school students with less than 20/20 vision reached an all-time high, rising beyond 60%. But teens tend to underestimate the significance of maintaining good eyesight.

Signboards by contact lens brand Acuvue were designed to raise high schoolers' awareness of the importance of visual acuity and encourage them to visit an eye doctor and purchase contact lenses.


A district in Sapporo, Hokkaido was filled overnight with mysterious signboards designed like “eye charts” with letters that gradually shrink.

A total of 35 signboards filled the neighborhood.

They were displayed on the walls and doors of residences and shops around high schools, as well as on street corners, in restaurants and on campuses.

All were displayed where ads are not usually allowed, with the permission and collaboration of local high schools, residents and shop owners.

The messages on signboards told high schoolers about the importance of eyesight in sports and in their after-school physical activities. Each signboard had a unique message relevant to where it was displayed to boost conversation among neighboring community and among students. All were made photogenic, with humorous tone & manner, but alas, hard-to-read.


A district in Sapporo, Hokkaido was filled overnight with mysterious signboards designed like “eye charts” with letters that gradually shrink.

A total of 35 signboards filled the neighborhood for two weeks during the interscholastic athletic meet period. They were displayed on the walls and doors of residences and shops around high schools, as well as on street corners, in restaurants and on campuses.

All were displayed where ads are not usually allowed, with the permission and collaboration of local high schools, residents and shop owners.

The messages on signboards told high schoolers about the importance of eyesight in sports and in their after-school physical activities. Each signboard had a unique message relevant to where it was displayed to boost conversation among neighboring community and among students. All were made photogenic, with humorous tone & manner, but alas, hard-to-read.

To acquire further news coverage, media caravan was also carried out.

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