Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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The idea is to use an ALS patient as a model for still-life painting to illuminate the cruelty of his disease. “Still life” usually refers to an inanimate object used as a subject of art. The idea is simple, ironic, and heartbreaking, that an ALS patient, who is only capable of eye movement, calls himself a "still-life" and puts himself out in public as a model for art. It was something ALS patients can actively and physically participate despite their condition.


Hiro, who suffers from ALS, called out to people on social media asking them to come draw/paint him as a subject for a still life. The event took place at a gallery space in Marunouchi, one of the busiest places in Tokyo with heavy people traffic. Participants and passersby that saw him in his condition were compelled to think about a disease they hadn’t been familiar with and the ordeal that patients had to endure. The sight of Hiro drew much attention. Artists of all levels came to participate and the finished works covered the walls of the gallery, helping to attract more attention and interest. The event was documented as a film and was posted online on June 21st, the World ALS Day. Also the film has been offered to show on outdoor visions in Harajuku and Shinjuku district of Tokyo.


The event was also covered by Japan’s national TV channel for its documentary TV program, and multiple media and exhibition spaces offered the use of their space for free to display the artworks. The sale of the official END ALS T-shirt doubled compared to the previous month. In the end, a total of $3.8 million worth of earned media was generated and continues to increase. Outdoor Visions were given to be used for free to show the film. Seeing the online film, 4 different ALS patients strongly empathized with the cause and volunteered to become still-life models. So far, 2 more ALS patients are scheduled to model this year. The collected artworks can be views on the END ALS website's gallery

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