Cannes Lions

Impossible Hands

OGILVY BRASIL, Sao Paulo / ROCHE / 2016


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Images






The creative solution was create a special glove with inside locks to simulate the limitation of suffering rheumatoid arthritis and promotes an experiment to people use this glove to execute simple tasks.

The experiment consists in a host challenging people to use the glove in different establishments (sneaker store, restaurant and coffee shop). If the person using the gloves could execute in 5 minutes a simple task as tie shoelace sneakers, use knife and fork or write in a tablet, they will take the tablet, the dinner or the shoes as a gift.

The final message of the host, is remind the public if the simple tasks seems to be the most difficult in the world, they should visit a rheumatologist.


To create the glove we consulted Dr. Candida, a specialist in orthesis production. The focus of her orthesis is to correct the movements and deformities of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The big challenge for her was create the opposite. For this project, Dr .Candida created an orthesis that restricts movement and simulate with less intensity the pain of patients with rheumatoid arthritis suffers.

After that, we promoted an experiment with the glove in three different establishments (sneaker store, restaurant and coffee shop) using ordinary people aged between 30 and 60 years, the appropriate profile to be a potential patient for this disease. Moreover, we created a video case with these reactions of the people to promote our awareness message on youtube and facebook.


Our first result is the natural reaction of the people involved in this experiment. Everyone who uses our gloves instantly reports the discomfort and the pain related to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our main impact was change the mindset using real feelings and not just words to make people visit the rheumatologist when the first symptoms of this disease appears.

It is important to mention that this video case became an important instrument for many patients and healthcare professional illustrate how these disease transforms someone's life. Rheumatoid Arthritis patients suffer with the prejudice, because people in general do not understand how this disease brings many restrictions. Our video case exposes this harsh reality and positively helps with this cause.

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