Cannes Lions

Influencers' Friends








In the realm of digital marketing, the ascendancy of influencer strategies is indisputable. However, for local brands like Poker, competing with the colossal budgets and global endorsements of industry giants such as Budweiser, Heineken or Corona, using artists such as JBalvin and Messi, among others, presents an incredible challenge.

How, then, can Poker impact the target audience without the financial firepower typically associated with celebrity collaborations?

The genesis of our solution lies in a key observation: while we may lack the resources to engage A-list influencers directly, we can harness their reach through a more ingenious route. Rather than courting the celebrities themselves, we set our sights on their closest friends. Since we as Poker are positioned as the beer of friends, we decided to embark on a groundbreaking influencer strategy: "Influencers’ Friends."

This innovative approach entailed enlisting the bosom buddies of the country's foremost celebrities. Though lacking in personal renown, these individuals enjoy unfettered access to their famous friends, ensuring an organic integration of Poker into the celebrity sphere. By recruiting regular people, but must of all, friends, like Andrés Lopez (JBalvin's BFF), Daiky Gamboa (Karol G's BFF), Ivan Ceballos (Juanfer Quintero's BFF), and more, we established the Poker Gang, thus laying the groundwork for unprecedented reach and engagement.

Execution of the strategy unfolded in meticulous stages:

1. Identification of Key Influencers: We meticulously selected influencers spanning diverse spheres—from music and sports to fashion and entertainment—ensuring comprehensive coverage of our target audience's interests.

2. Selection of Friends: Delving into the social media profiles and backgrounds of our chosen influencers, we identified their closest allies, including Daiki Gamboa, Andrés Lopez, Iván Ceballos, and Natalia Mejía, friends of KarolG, J.Balvin, Juanfer Quintero and Maleja Restrepo, respectively.

3. Establishment of Connection: Leveraging the allure of authentic friendship, we curated compelling audiovisual content dubbed "Pure Friendship's Stories." Through these vignettes, influencers' friends shared intimate anecdotes and revelatory insights, on our own social networks, fostering a profound connection with our audience since they love to know the more human side of their idols. But most importantly, this movement achieved to get their famous friends to repost the content, letting us obtain their social media reach.

4. The Hack: Equipping our influencers with the indispensable tool for friendship moments—Poker Beer—we orchestrated casual gatherings with their famous friends, capturing these moments of conviviality for dissemination across social media platforms.

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