Cannes Lions


BATES 141, Mumbai / VIRGIN / 2010

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While every other telecom brand was busy spending millions on mass media, we decided a more conventional approach and turned fans into our media.We created 105 short films portraying verbal battles between 8 passionate cricket-crazy fans. Each fan representing a state team.The films spoke about the things that fans really talk about - laced with tongue-in-cheek humour, jabs on popular cricketers, insights into current affairs, and references to cricket scandals. It has been perceived as the boldest and most outrageous campaign to roll out in the country in a very long time.As soon as the IPL season kicked off, the films were uploaded on YouTube, Facebook and other social networking websites. Our website - hosted the films and invited users to take shots at supporters of other teams. Web banners were released on most popular Indian websites.That was all it took. Within a week of the launch, the videos found their way to over a million people across the country just through word-of-mouth.


While major advertisers flooding sports channels with expensive TV campaigns (competition spent anywhere between 500 million -700 million during the IPL) , we turned to an even more effective medium - 1 billion cricket fans. Mass-media spends? $0.Within just 2 weeks, the campaign witnessed 500,000 YouTube views, 2,590 Facebook fans, 50,000 mentions on Twitter and 1.5 million hits on the website! The campaign was picked up and featured by most major newspapers in the country and as a result, the viewership increased by astronomical proportions.

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