Cannes Lions

Invisible Box


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Case Film






Buying presents in advance helps parents avoid long queues, but the danger of children seeing the presents before Christmas is increased. To prevent this we came up with the Invisible Box – a box that makes presents invisible to children. These boxes are designed to be completely uninteresting to children and were manufactured under art direction that succeeded to perfection. Invisible Box was an incentive for parents, a brilliant trick for hiding presents and a wonderful way of keeping all the Magic of Christmas alive.


The boxes were devised and designed so that children would not be interested in them, and would therefore not investigate them: hence they were ‘invisible’. We thought back to when we were little, in order to remember what we used to hate, or at least what we didn’t find interesting. Finding things in common wasn’t hard: spinach, anti-lice shampoo, child suppositories, infusions for stomach ache, encyclopaedia…

We faithfully recreated the aesthetics of the boxes of each of these products in order to provoke the same sensations in children that the actual products produce: indifference, fear, disgust, rejection…

There were 10 different Invisible Box formats for hiding things of different sizes and kinds of toys, and 2,000 units of each format were produced and printed to supply all the Baby Deli stores in Madrid.


The Invisible Boxes became a real crowd puller, with stocks running out after just 2 weeks. The campaign attracted both customers and non-customers to Baby Deli shops to buy early thanks to the promotion.

Gift sales and shop visits during the month running up to Christmas experienced a 20% hike vs. The same period a year ago and the number of followers on the SN rose by 15%.

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