Cannes Lions

IONIQ – In charge of turning the world.


Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






The task:

Successfully revealing the name of Hyundai’s new electronic brand “IONIQ” in the extraordinary times of the first lockdown. Ensuring maximum awareness for the brand before the line-up campaign.

The idea:

IONIQ is in charge of turning the world – we show that by letting it set the London Eye back in motion after 4 months of standing still. By transforming the London Eye into a huge “Q” – symbol for IONIQ.

The solution:

We made London’s most popular attraction Hyundai’s landmark for its electric vision with balloons that lit up as the London Eye started spinning again, forming a huge “Q”.

Attracting people’s interest on-location, social media and to the press through a film, print ads and out-of-home. With millions of media impressions and above 14 million views on YouTube alone, IONIQ succeeded in creating the hype around its new

solutions for better moving – and living.


The symbol of turning the London Eye wheel again is the symbol for electric mobility. IONIQ is in charge of turning the world – this is what we show by letting it set the London Eye back in motion after 4 months of standing still. By transforming the London Eye into a huge “Q” – symbol for IONIQ. The most iconic and striking way of presenting the new brand to the world – while letting

people experience the power of electric.


As Hyundai shifts its strategy and focus from selling eco-products to delivering eco-living solutions for sustainable living, the reveal of the new dedicated electric brand had to reach the whole world, and all ages. A big stunt was not possible due to corona restrictions, therefore we created maximum awareness and visibility through a huge installation. As well as the transformation of the London Eye into IONIQ’s iconic “Q”, we spread our message through a film and digital assets distributed on different channels: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram – as well as through the press. More attention was also created through a placement of the film on Piccadilly Circus’s huge digital billboard. Reaching all people interested in electric mobility – and sustainable living.


– The stunt took place on the weekend before the official reopening of the London Eye after the first lockdown

– The film documenting the experience was launched on August 10th on Hyundai's channels (worldwide channels and European markets)

– Additional cut-downs and assets were spread across channels (paid)

– The film was shown at Piccadilly Circus

– Print ads were placed to draw attention to the stunt and to announce IONIQ


> Hundreds of people experienced the show in London

> Over 14 million views on YouTube alone + comments – more on social media

> Millions of media impressions on press like Forbes, UK Times, Car Magazine and The Next Web

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