Cannes Lions


ROTHCO, Dublin / O2 / 2012






O2 is an official sponsor of the Irish Rugby Team and use their status not just as a logo on a shirt but as something more. The Irish team has played at Lansdowne Road since 1848. In 2006 the old stadium was pulled down. The new Aviva stadium opened in November 2010. But the first international games were notable for empty seats and subdued crowds. The old stadium was famous for its 'Landsdowne roar'. But the new stadium hadn’t erupted like the old lansdowne road used to. As the Irish rugby team headed into the 2011 6 nations with home games against England and France, it was vital that the Irish supporters brought the famous passion and noise of the old stadium to the new arena. So O2 decided to put together a campaign to bring back the roar that has inspired Irish rugby teams and rattled visitors for generations.


Firstly, a soft-launch online display campaign took supporters to a site where key players explained the importance of the old Roar and asked them to bring it back.Through Facebook, a mobile app and roar booths - they could record their roar and add it to their friends' to make 1 big roar.For the old roar not to come back for the final match against England was unthinkable. (Historically it's always the big one.) So for the 2 week cycle before the match we ran an upweighted emotive campaign with online, outdoor/press and radio campaign encouraging supporters to blow the red rose of England away.The most passionate roarers were sent to matches to inspire the crowd. Their roars also played on the big-screens to get everyone going.On Saturday, March 19th 2011 the roar came back as we hammered England. Media and commentators, coaches and players all referenced the campaign


The campaign was well received by the public, the media and the client. The campaign delivered on the overall sponsorship goal of helping Irish supporters be the difference to their team. The media picked up on the campaign and credited its role in the improved atmosphere with mentions in match reports ad interviews (see video). The public engaged with the campaign and rose to the occasion on the day by bringing back the roar as Ireland beat England in a cauldron-like atmosphere.

Stats: - Total Roars Collected - 1,974 unique videos.

- Website Stats - 28% rise in traffic to

- Facebook stats - 7,012 Unique vistors (compared with 2,147 the previous month)

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2018, SHELL

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