Cannes Lions

It gets better

KING, Stockholm / CANCER SOCIETY / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






SCS is one of the largest fundraising charities in Sweden. Their main donors and people engaging with them are middle aged to older people, aged 55+. Older people have to a larger extent a closer connection to the cancer issue and therefore they are naturally more engaged and likely to be donors. Due to this SCS is experiencing low engagement in the younger audience.

The brief was therefore to earn the attention of a younger audience. With the primarily objective to make them care and engage with the cancer issue as well to pay attention and to like SCS. Secondly, the goal was to increase the fundraising through monthly donors to SCS.


The creative insight is that instead of portraying disease or how living with cancer feels (something that is obviously very subjective and differ from individuals cases) the goal was to focus on how cancer affects relationships. Something everyone can relate.

SCS’s brand message is ”One it three get cancer. But everyone suffers”. We set out to create a captivating story that raises the awareness of the fact that cancer affects everyone, directly or indirectly.


SCS primary target group is middle-aged to older people. In order to meet the need to broaden and actualize the cancer issue for more people, the target group for this campaign was younger, non-gender specified, people.

We also knew that the younger audience perceives SCS as an outdated and traditional, another barrier to attracting new and younger audience and donors.

We knew that we needed to find the right message, tone and mechanics to create engagement and to get young people to pay attention to and like SCS. Non-traditional media formats were a must for this campaign.

By using Bryant and Instagram as a platform we could more easily connect and engage to the younger audience. The dramatization and specially written song created a modernity that engaged a new, younger, target group.


On New Years Day 2024 the film was released as a shared Instagram Reel on SCS and Miriam Bryant’s official accounts. Several Swedish artist, celebrities and influencers were approached and asked to share the post in their channels. After three days an additional shared Instagram Reel video was posted of Bryants documented reactions to seeing the film first time.

SCS put extra effort in responding to comments, repostings and sending DM's with a thank you video from Miriam, creating deeper relationships with followers.


The film reached of 1,4 million views [Swedish population ≈ 10 million) within a week.

The video on Instagram Reel reached 7302% more views, 5100% more comments and 2015% more likes than the yearly average. Also take in consideration the fact this was a horizontal video that forced viewers to flip their phone to landscape mode.

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