Cannes Lions


VCCP, London / O2 / 2014

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






The internet is obsessed with cats. Their cool, disinterested nonchalance has found a natural home on the web, where it is easy to anonymously knock and mock others. Being cat means being aloof and critical, and the internet is full of these types.

And it’s not just the online world that has this cat obsession, Britain too had become very cat like. The internet, the press, even everyday conversations were full of negative, cynical responses and blasé attitudes to all of the amazing things that are in the world today.

Today you can use wifi on an aeroplane… use your mobile phone as a remote control… video chat with someone who lives on the other side of the world. But still all of this was not good enough for a nation of cool cats.


We turned digital 6-sheets into interactive jukeboxes – loaded with The Official Top 40, just like the O2 Tracks app. The touch sensitive screens meant anyone could browse and listen to The Top 40, as if they had the app itself. They could listen to out loud, or for better listening, could insert their own headphones.


A great success with an increase in downloads of the app, totaling over 650,000 for the campaign.

The screens had thousands of single interactions with over 382,300 tracks played.

And O2 Tracks was No.1 on the music App Store charts in March 2013.

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