Cannes Lions

Its ok boomer!


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The rise in unemployment in Colombia affected the boomer generation more than any other. Unemployment in those over 55 years of age increased by nearly 20% according to the National Department of Statistics. For this reason, we wanted to support the elders to acquire new skills and be able to generate income from their homes, without representing a serious problem in the family.

Bancolombia made an open call so that children, grandchildren and acquaintances could apply to boomers for a special online course that would teach them to manage social networks and create content.

Over 1,000 families have been positively impacted and there is now a community of 55+ content creators who can work from home.


We wanted to generate real impact in the boomers population and nothing is more transformative than education. Learning a new skill can mean evolution in their ability to generate income, despite their age.

During the pandemic we wanted to be there for the boomers, those who are most afraid of COVID and the economic situation in Colombia.

Through online education we would teach boomers at home how to create content for their projects or for companies, helping them get jobs and connecting them with the world.

For 21 days we transform their knowledge and turn them into content creators with patience and love.


In the news, the concern of families about their elders members was constantly shared.

That got our attention. How could we change the lives of boomers? How did we help them generate income? How do we prevent them from getting into debt?

Unemployment in boomers increased from 2020 to 2021 by 20% and the chances of fix this situation were minimal, because we are talking about a generation with few job opportunities.

Surely it was time to do something about it.


Through our social networks we open a call to applicants: grandparents, mothers and fathers of families or friends over 57 years of age.

Each student had a personalized tutor who patiently accompanied them one by one, during a month. Teaching them how to use social media.

We impacted a thousand families directly, and despite being a thousand students, each one had a personalized tutor.

We also used different methods: zoom meetings for live classes, voice notes on Whatsapp, PDF material sent to telegram where we also conducted surveys, tutors available 24/7 and publication activities on social networks that we corrected one by one.


The most important fact is that we impacted the financial lives of more than a thousand (1000) families in just one month.

The boomers also had company, entertainment and new knowledge for a whole month of work. Theirs children, grandchildren, friends share excited the results in their own social media networks the evolution of the boomers students.

Interactions on our social networks increased by 250%

We impacted more than 1000 families

And the sentiment of our online conversations became 60% more positive

We must work together in moments of crisis and instead of making fun of each other saying "ok, boomer", it's better to say "its ok, boomer" and help those who need it from the heart.

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