Cannes Lions


LAMBIE-NAIRN, London / ITV / 2013

Presentation Image
Case Film
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The ITV News rebrand was part of a much larger network rebrand. We needed to reflect the values and approach of ITV’s overall re-positioning in our work, and create an identity that could also sit side-by-side with the new, colour-shifting ITV asset. The new ITV News design system would have to complement the high-calibre of ITV News and have an authoritative and consistent look and feel.


Our aim was to depict a realistic view of life in this country. News is part of our everyday lives. Sometimes it has a lasting effect on us, sometimes it's a small part of our day. We wanted to move away from some of the News sector 'standard formats'. Feeling that stylised graphic titles wouldn't fit with ITV's brand positioning or our vision for the ITV News brand. We wanted to stay true to the ITV audience and produced a clean, timeless grid system to hold real scenes from life.


The rebrand coincided with record figures on the ITV News live stream and website. A record 3.9 million unique browsers visited the site in January 2013, up 518% year on year. On screen, ITV News continued to pull in eight million viewers across its network programmes.

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