Cannes Lions

Jim Parsons


Case Film
1 of 0 items






To grab immediate attention and connect with consumers, we felt that it would be necessary to find a voice of Intel, one that was an approachable and likeable, and could serve as an “innovation ambassador” for the company. We wanted this person to entertain and intrigue consumers, while demonstrating any new technology that Intel had helped to make possible.

After sifting through 60+ celebrities, a clear winner emerged: Jim Parsons, the quirky comic actor known as uber-physicist Sheldon Cooper in the Big Bang Theory. We decided that Jim, would serve as a curious and loveable explorer through whom consumers could discover more about Intel’s innovations to take our customers on various journeys into what the company does.


The first spot that we delivered with Jim Parsons shows him on a tour of Intel, where he finds himself in a lab where he experiences all the new innovations made possible by the company–from gesture control video games, to depth perception cameras. Jim is thrown out of the lab, and sets up his “mission” to share all the innovations that he found inside.

The subsequent creative executions in the campaign build off the launch film, with Jim interrupting every day life scenarios and introducing Intel innovations that noticeably improve that person’s situation. Those demonstrations range from showcasing Intel’s RealSense cameras, to their 2 in 1 computers, to facial recognition. We expanded upon each TV story by creating digital video, gifs, and vines for Twitter and Facebook as well as digital banners that further engage the consumer in their own environments.


The results for this campaign were outstanding for Intel. The ultimate measure of success was a macro change in brand health standing, Intel was able to halt years of slippage in the rankings of Millward Brown’s BrandZ rankings, and jumped 30 places from 86th to 56th place from 2014 to 2015. (Source: Millward Brown BrandZ).

The creative was highly effective at breaking through and driving awareness of Intel–it beat previous Intel awareness forms by 74%, and Millward Brown awareness norms by 25% (Source: IMR, US Market Tracker).

And finally, Intel was able to increase perceptions of them as an innovation leader–a key take-away of the new campaign. We were able to beat pre campaign measures of this statement “are leaders in breakthrough technology” by 54% for Millennials, and 24% for all adults 18-64.

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