Cannes Lions

Jobs You Love

MULLENLOWE, Boston / E*TRADE / 2019







“Don’t Get Mad, Get E*TRADE” is a uniquely American campaign that still leverages a universal human truth. Charles Kettering, an American industrialist, once noted that “the key to economic prosperity is the organized creation of dissatisfaction,” and that inherently American sensibility shines through in the work.

The campaign’s subversive nature reads clearly in-market, hitting on the truth that the most impactful and rewarding jobs are often the least rewarding financially.

So while Americans are told to “pursue our dreams and follow our passions” for work, what if our dream and passions don’t pay well?

While the expression and creative manifestation of the work reflect the American market, its strategic underpinnings are universal. Acknowledging anger’s power to drive positive action and change is a behavioral insight into the human condition, regardless of market.


In the film “Jobs You Love,” we see a montage of scenes that capture pinnacle moments in people’s careers. A team mascot excitedly entertaining sports fans at a big game, a mall Santa being embraced by a loving child, whale conservationists symbolically being thanked by a leaping humpback whale, and even a superhero saving a helpless baby from dire circumstances.

These jobs are done out of love and passion, and for the greater good. The scenes and music build to a crescendo, only to be undercut by a truth about these jobs. That they are rewarding. Just not financially rewarding.

A super reads: “Your job is rewarding. Just not financially.” It’s intended to suck the air out of these inspiring moments.

The spot finishes with the superhero being subjected to riding the bus home after work.

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