Cannes Lions

KFC Hot & Cheezy

ENSEMBLE WORLDWIDE, Petaling Jaya / KFC / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film
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We all know that the burger you see on screen or on billboards will always look and taste better than the one in your hand. So, in conjunction with the launch of the KFC Hot & Cheezy we decided to use the science that tells us, food taste better with music to make all burgers Hotter & Cheezier!


We start by asking the question, “how do we compete with our competitors that "specialize" in making burgers?”

Simple. We don't.

We started by reaching out to people that were consuming burgers from our competitors. We geo-targeted them with social ads and banners that would ultimately lead them to a ‘burger wrapper scanner’. Depending on the burger wrapper that was scanned a unique KFC Hot & Cheezy troll song would start.

Each song was personalized to a competitor and was a parody of “cheesy” and popular 80s or 90s song. When the songs ended a whole playlist of ‘Cheezy Hits’ were unlocked along with a promo code to try the new burger which, could be redeemed immediately on all KFC Delivery sites. ?


When it comes to burgers, our target audience usually head to ‘burger-specialized’ fast food chains. Therefore, we decided to hijack their burger eating moments, and make it a Hotter and Cheezier one!

As smartphone are becoming more abundant, it’s now second nature to have them with us wherever we are. Therefore, we strategically turned our competitor’s products into our media real estate. As we know that people will have their smartphones with them, we prompted them to scan their burger wrappers where they would be directed to a cheeky music video that poked fun at that competitor. Viewers were then given the opportunity to try out a KFC Hot and


To locate our targets, geo-targeting was used to identify consumers at competitor outlets. They were then served banners that lead them to the scanner. Once scanned and precisely classified, the unique music video would play.


From the 5th of December to the 3rd of January 2019 we made non-KFC burgers our advertising real-estate. Our whole campaign implementation could be split into four steps.

1. We invited guest of competitor burger chains to participate in a never-done-before experience on our microsite, . This was supported by multiple digital touchpoints including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Display by serving geo-targeted ads.

2. Visitors of the site were then prompted to use the ‘KFC Burger-Wrapper Scanner’.

3. Based on the brand detected on the scanner a tailored music video referencing the competitor would autoplay. For instance, when a McDonald's burger wrapper was detected, a music video 'Return the Mac' was performed by Hot & Cheezy.

4. After watching the video, they would gain access to the entire playlist of Cheezy Hits. They were also rewarded with a KFC Delivery promo code that could be immediately redeemed online.


Despite having a low budget and short campaign period, KFC surpassed their KPI benchmarks.

1. It garnered 326,000 clicks throughout three weeks, which led to an 84% conversion rate to KFC Delivery site.

2. Received 16.5 million social impressions

3. Aside from the campaign making noise in Malaysia and Southeast Asia it also attracted attention from worldwide publications like La Reclame from France and marketing, media, advertising and technology show Melt from India.

4. We widened the awareness gap with our biggest competitor to an average of 1.7% during the campaign period.

5. Our audiences resonated to our 'Cheezyness' on every platform, delivering 2.8% CTR on Facebook (benchmark 1-2%), 33.2% VTR on YouTube (benchmark 20%) and 1.08% rich media engagement rate (benchmark 0.3%).

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