Cannes Lions

Kids Experience Their Dream Home in VR

BANDARA VR, Zurich / TAMEDIA / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






Every day, countless users find their dream home on But what about the platform's future users? Together with news platform 20 Minuten, we started a contest, asking children to draw their dream home. Out of more than 150 submissions, the three most creative were chosen and recreated in 3D. Then, we invited the kids to step into their dream home with an virtual reality headset. A native ad featuring a video documented how they reacted when their dream home became a (virtual) reality.


The campaign started with a native ad on 20 Minuten (8. July 2016), asking children to draw their dream house. A week later, we selected the three most creative submissions and started recreating them in 3D and bringing them to life in an Oculus Rift VR app. End of July, we invited the three winning kids into a studio, where they experienced their dream home in virtual reality. We captured their reactions in a video that went live on 15. August 2016 in a native ad on 20 Minuten, Switzerland's biggest news platform. In addition to the online article, a teaser article was published in the print edition of 20 Minuten a day later, including a short URL ( that led to the online article with the video.


Within a week, more than 150 kids participated in the contest and submitted a drawing of their dream home. The native ad with the video was featured on 20 Minuten's front page, where it was clicked 260'000 times (a great number for a sponsored article). The video in the article was played 210'000 times. A teaser article was placed in the print version of 20 Minuten, reaching 1.36 million people in Switzerland. More than 70 news outlets around the globe picked up the story.

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