Cannes Lions

Kiss Activated Trophy

LENOVO, Morrisville / LENOVO / 2024

Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Images






Situation: As an official technology sponsor of F1, we had the opportunity to create the trophy for the Japanese and U.S. Grand Prix.

Brief: Create a trophy embedded with technology that made the podium experience as exciting as the race.


Create the world's most talked about trophy.

Stand out among 300 F1 sponsors.

Show the world that Lenovo is an innovative company.


For over 100 years the F1 podium has played host to the same lifeless trophies being kissed by champions.

Our target audience was F1 fans and the fans were tired of seeing the essentially the same trophy year after year.

"I just dislike the ones that just show the logo of the main sponsor and that is it. I mean, Santander had the S trophy, but it looked the same every time during like a third of the races in the season that they sponsored."- u/RomanCessna

As an official technology sponsor of F1, we used technology to create the world's 1st Kiss Activated Trophy. The trophy featured lip-activated micro-switch technology that identified the driver and lit up in his national flag colors when kissed.


Insight: F1 drivers work their whole lives to stand on a podium and kiss a trophy. And the trophy does nothing. Nada.

Key Message: Lenovo elevated a long held F1 tradition with innovative technology

Target Audience: F1 fans.

Creation and Distribution of Assets:

Concept development April 7th, 2023

3D Modeling May 3rd, 2023

Mechanical Engineering, June 2nd 2023

Manufacturing July 28th, 2023

Hand Delivery trophies to Japan September 8th.

Went live on broadcast channels in-front of 100 million fans on September 24th, 2023.

And again on October 22nd, 2023.

Social videos, website and OOH went live September 20th, 2023.



The trophy used lip-activated micro-switch technology to identify the winning driver and light up in his national flag colors, in real time, on the podium.

Media Channels:

The F1 race track at the Japanese Grand Prix and US Grand Prix.

The live broadcast around the world on ESPN, Sky Sports, Fox Sports and many more.

Timeline: Race day: September 24th, 2023. Race Day: October 22nd, 2023.


Proof of Engagement:

7,131,917 conversations across all platforms.

8.5% average engagement rate across all social media platforms.

29,898 comments across all platforms.

190,351 shares across all platforms.

265 instances of user generated content.

Earned Media Results:

1.28 Billion earned reach.

197 Million earned media Impressions

$36 Million earned media value.

Owned Media Results:

126 million in paid media impressions.

Brand Perception/Consumer Loyalty:

90.7% Positive or neutral sentiment.

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