Cannes Lions

Kjetil vs Sara

TRY, Oslo / TINE / 2017


3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
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In order to remind Norwegians of how active kids actually are during a school day, and that they need to eat and drink nutritious food, we filmed and documented Sara (8) whilst playing in the school playground. Then we challenged one of Norway’s top athletes, World Cup alpine ski racer and Olympic Champion Kjetil Jansrud, to copy all of Sara’s movements – scaled to adult size.


The film was launched on the clients own Facebook-page on the 19th of august and quickly achieved high popularity and organic reach. After one week we ran one prime time screening on Norway’s largest commercial TV-channel. As well we made use of YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.


The film has received a lot of positive attention in Norway with nearly 2 million views (organic reach) on Facebook and YouTube (it’s only 5 million Norwegians, so nearly half the nation has seen it - so far), positive buzz and review in press and social media.

During the 8 week period after we launched the film, the sales revenue are up more than 4% compared to the same period last year.

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