Cannes Lions

KLM HoloLens


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The goal of the KLM HoloLens project was to reduce the amount of time the ground engineers spent searching for information and instructions while performing specific aircraft maintenance procedures. Based on a human-centered approach, we could see the process from the view of the ground engineers and tailor a new solution for their way of working. Using mixed reality technologies and HoloLens capabilities, we have designed a tangible vision of the future of aircraft maintenance and improved performances.


The HoloLens overlays 3D holographic content on the physical works. Allowing engineers to interact with a detailed hologram of aircraft materials – getting a hands-free experience while following operational procedures. Users interact with a 3D aircraft engine component and can discover extra layers of information. The engine component can be rotated, scaled and expanded to show every piece separately by using wither voice or gesture commands.


During this 9-week project, a team of two 3D specialists worked on creating a working HoloLens prototype which KLM E&M would be able to test with field engineers.

The aim of creating this prototype was to help KLM E&M to internally promote mixed reality technology and its benefits within heavy industries, and also, to test the usability of the technology and hardware, in order to stay ahead of the market and be ready for development as soon as it became sustainable.

To define the exact scope of the project, the kick-off consisted of a one-day service design workshop. During the workshop, the team, together with the client, created and agreed on the persona the project should be scoped around. Taking into consideration their age, work pipeline, and current blockers, such as administrative tasks and large number of manuals and systems the scope was limited towards reducing the time engineers searching for procedural steps and pieces they needed to operate with.

The features that were designed for the app were:

1.Step by step instruction*

2.Tool size & value**

3.Part numbers***

4.Voice & gesture control****


*Step by step instruction.

Official digital version of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. Better organisation, voice control & colour coded information.

**Tool size & value

Every step shows the engineer the tool required, size and torque values.

***Part Numbers

Each piece has an identification number for manual searching and ordering.

****Voice & gesture control

For total control over the app. Keeps engineers hands-free throughout maintenance.


Often, removing a part of the engine has a critical procedure, however, the printed manual does not always show cautions, alarms and warnings in an efficient place to be aware. Now every step presents this information clearly, with required confirmation from the engineer to guarantee he has read the alert.


KLM has requested the support of a MOBGEN innovation team to define the long term vision of the digital transformation of the company.

The aim of the prototype was to internally promote the mixed reality technology so that the company would be among the first in its industry to develop and scale visual augmentation tools once the technology and hardware become fully sustainable. The MR prototype developed with MOBGEN has been a success both among end-users (mechanical aircraft engineers) and stakeholders — who have decided to do a step further and develop an AR mobile prototype which would be more easily scalable at this point due to the technology and hardware implications.

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